Back To Square One?
Nov. 8, 2007
First Update (10:09 pm)
I got this from Newsbreak, click to view the large graphic image:

I was reading Manolo Quezon's latest post in Current: "Exhibit A & Exhibit B" wherein he still linked my preceeding post, "Bomb? What Bomb?", also in this blog and I was later pointed to Joey Allarilla's @play blog also in Inquirer's Blogs which had this very cool Animated 3D Walk-through of the Glorietta basement I saw in the news last night.
" 'It is possible that the ignition source was remote from the area of greatest fuel build-up. From the detailed scene examination, physical evidence, blast damage effects, and background information provided, it appears the explosion has occurred in the basement of Glorietta 2 as a result of an explosive fuel-air mixture being initiated by unknown means,' the report also showed."
"To fully determine the cause of the blast, Australian experts also advised its counterparts to: examine the floor area of basement to determine the extent of the damage; engage independent appropriate engineers/experts to examine machinery including septic pump, exhaust system, diesel tank, control panel switches and pumps; examine CCTV footage; examine maintenance records of Glorietta 2; ensure that all relevant witness statements would be collected and evaluated for significant information; examine post-mortem reports, including location of deceased, among others."
What they are actually telling the PNP is, "Get your asses in there and find the evidence!" The Australians, like the Israeli, however, were leaning towards the gas-blast theory and ruled out bombing due to the absence of traces of "bomb parts". We all know that the female chemist from the PNP Crime Lab announced in front of the National Security Council in Camp Crame that RDX or Royal Demolition Explosive, the main component of cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine (C
6) or C-4, was found during the swab tests conducted in the same day of the blast. When the Aussies mentioned "bomb parts" I would assume they meant those other than RDX.
So for the whole of last week, the PNP had been saying they have reached a conclusion based on their investigations, as CONFIRMED by the foreign experts and even announced that they will be filing their report on November 6 because they were confident they were convincing enough they had the concurrence of foreigners. They were zeroing in on methane since the Australians have debunked the possiblity of the diesel tank causing the havoc.
Ayala's expertsNow, over the weekend, the killjoy Jimmy Ayala came out with his own experts: Dr. Stephen Etheridge, the biogas expert from the UK's Science Council and Burgoynes, a forensic prober/consultancy and conducted a presscon at the Intercon Hotel. Aided by an
AV presentation, Ayala refutes the last plausible theory the PNP seemed ready to blame on them and charge them with.
Dr. Etheridge proved many of my suspicions and arguments right. One, that the sewage pit could not have produced the
amount of methane gas needed to cause that kind of damage to Glorietta 2. Aquaeous sewage does not produce methane in the same volume as a dewatered sludge tank which has greater concentrations of fecal solids.
As I also mentioned in my post, a gas leak would have been easily detected as
hydrogen sulfide is a highly-toxic gas and emitted foul odor that should have been noticed by Ayala maintenance people, the guards, stall owners (Starbucks, with a few smoker's tables outside, I believe, is just nextdoor) or even just by passers-by. This was consistent, too, with Dr. Etheridge's report.
He also concurred with my argument that the area could have been well ventilated since there was a diesel generator in the room.
My early hunch against the methane theory actually started when the PNP announced the blast was the product of a gas mixture accumulated in the basement, just A DAY after the NSC presscon where cops reported RDX was found. In the process, they forgot that they said they
cannot yet enter the basement as it was flooded and smelled like crap. If that were so, how did they arrive at such a conclusion? Cuz the caucasians say so?
But another superior human being (yes, I meant caucasian) has refuted the diesel + methane cause of the blast more convincingly.
My suggestion in
Ellen's blog that inspecting the deformed reinforcement bars encased in concrete as to bend direction and close inspection at the points of fracture will tell the blast direction and magnitude of the blast wave, was apparently done by Ayala's experts and they concluded that these were "consistent with the damage usually created by a bomb."
Ayala and Dr. Etheridge likewise corrected many wrong impressions, like that of the police's, that the sewage pit was a septic tank, similar to what our houses have. It was, after all, simply a transfer tank that automatically pumps out to the city sewers once a certain level is reached. (Whaaat? I thought large establishments like Glorietta or the whole Ayala Center are supposed to have Sewage Treatment Plants? Hmmm...)
The transfer pit is no bigger than a 2-door fridge standing 6'6" tall. According to Ayala, and as shown in their
presentation, the 1.5 x 1.2 x 2.25mtrs pit pumps out sewage 2 to 3 times daily.
No way can methane-producing organisms create enough volatile gas to even cook rice! Setting aside the possibility that the "city sewer" or a central sewage system serving the whole Ayala Center was responsible for leaking methane back into the Ayala basement, I AM 100% CONVINCED it was NOT a methane gas explosion! If the converse were true, the ball now lies in Mayor Binay's court, which could explain why Binay now wants an independent investigation.
Further, Dr. Etheridge explained, "You need a tank about
3 to 5 times larger than the one that is there. These tanks are emptied out and they are
exposed to oxygen. The area is also
Other important details coming from the Ayala experts:-Methane, one of two components of biogas, could not have been produced since it takes microorganisms eight to 10 days to multiply to sufficient quantities. The water in the basement sump pits was discharged to the city sewers "several times a day". (That is new.)
-The accumulation of biogas, which is 20 percent less dense than air, was unlikely “because it would have vented via the large open stairwell leading to the delivery bay that is open to the street". (I've said so.)
-It is unlikely that a gas explosion in the basement would have caused the severe damage observed in the loading bay area because at the time of the incident, the loading bay was open to the street. (Just as I had figured)
-The diesel tank suffered only "minor secondary damage" with its roof deforming and forming a weld, which is "entirely consistent with it having been caused as the result of the primary explosion," thus overpressure in the diesel tank "could not have caused the damage". (Didn't I say that?)
-Upon testing by a major oil company, the "flash point" - or the temperature required for the combustion of vapor from a liquid - of the diesel fuel in the day tank was found to be normal at 76 degrees Celsius and within specification.
Ayala also showed a three-dimensional rendering of the basement where the blast was believed to have originated, and pointed out the locations of the two sump pits in one corner and the diesel tank a few meters away. (It is consistent with my theory.)
-Ayala said the second pump was for "backup, in case the main pump malfunctioned". (I believe this is standard.)
-The experts also said that the blast moved 14 meters of the mall's structure. The movement, they said, is equivalent to 270 tons of force or the lifting of 270 vehicles, which is impossible if it was indeed a gas explosion. (I'd like to see the formulae and the computations!)
-The ALI president did not say if the ALI-commissioned team found bomb fragments at the blast site. (Cleaned?)
-"We could not say conclusively whether or not there is a bomb crater," Ayala said, adding that ALI's hired experts had said the twisting of steel reinforcements in the building was consistent with damage usually caused by a bomb. (I thought the stair well leading to the trap door at the lobby WAS a crater? How about the "hole" in PNP's Presentation 2?)
-NBI's Romulo Asis said the NBI probe was far from over because materials like electrical devices recently retrieved from the basement were still under analysis. (One funny thing here, they were checking the submersible pump if it created the spark that could have ignited methane gas, if it was SUBMERGED during operation, how could it ignite gas?)
-Emilio Tumbocon, president of Ayala Property Management Corp., (Ayala's in-house building management team) said, "The fuse box shown in the papers today is the fuse box of the old jack pump, which has already been decommissioned. It is not used anymore and was replaced by a new jack pump". "It wasn’t connected. That was a fuse box from old equipment," he said, adding that it was not near the diesel tank. (The pictures showed that.)
-Asked to comment on reports that the Philippine Bomb Data Center had discovered the center of the explosion and found a "curve" in a beam that may indicate a bomb, Ayala said: "We were at the site Sunday, and we observed the beam in question.” “We understand that authorities are looking at this very carefully and we would encourage them to continue this line of investigation," he said.
Trillanes' witness comes forwardA certain Ronald Ramos a.k.a. Abdul Rackham who claims to be a former member of Manila-based terror group Rajah Solaiman Movement to ABS-CBN's Jay Ruiz that he worked with a group of soldiers and civilians under National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and pointed to the group as the ones responsible for the Glorietta Tragedy. According to the ABS-CBN
The release of the ALI-commissioned probe report came alongside the revelation made by a man who reportedly fed information to Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV regarding the government's alleged role in the blast."
"The witness identified himself as Ronald Ramos alias Abdul Rackham, a former member of the Manila-based terror group the Rajah Solaiman Movement."
"The witness told ABS-CBN News correspondent Jay Ruiz that he surrendered to the government and worked for a special operations group of National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales along with members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines-National Capital Region Command (AFP-NCRCom) from 2004-2006."
"He claimed that his job was to monitor a number of malls in Metro Manila, including the Glorietta shopping complex."
" 'Tinitignan ko ang security sa Glorietta, sabi ko sa report pinaka-mahina ang security sa Glorietta (I monitored the security of Glorietta and reported that it had the weakest),' Ramos said."
"While admitting he has no solid-proof evidence, Ramos is convinced the surveillance job is linked to the Glorietta blast."
" 'Sila 'yun... Para gumawa ng gulo (It’s them… to start chaos),' he added."
"Ramos also admitted that he monitored the movements of 34 activists. Three of the subjects, including Sherilyn Cadapan of the University of the Philippines, were eventually abducted."
" 'Ginawa ko, sinusundan ko siya mula eskwelahan hanggang bahay (I followed her from school to her home),' he said."
"Gonzales, meanwhile, denied Trillanes's allegations. The security adviser said he will no longer comment on the issue."
ConclusionWith the diesel theory satisfactorily disproved many times and now it appears the methane gas from the Glorietta sump pit theory is headed towards the same direction, the only remaining possibilitites left are:
-methane gas leaked into the basement by the city sewer or a central sewage system that serviced the cluster of buildings in the immediate surroundings;
-another non-nitrate based gas intentionally leaked into the basement and subsequently ignited ;
-a terrorist attack from either side.
Which one is it?
Labels: Bombing, Cover-ups, Glorietta Blast, Terrorism